THE Protest'app

The protest'app project


Planning on protesting with Greenpeace colleagues? Want to organise practical information for the group but don’t know where to begin?

Look no further! During the summer TechLab, we presented a multi-functional app that is designed to organise, protect and connect one another amidst a potentially chaotic protest.

The app would allow GP colleagues to:

  • create/join a group, check in (mark themselves as safe)
  • monitor location and status of protesters
  • find essentials (water, first-aid, toilets, shelter, etc.) on an interactive map
  • perform emergency call for help/medical aid at a push of a button.

We also explored the option to implement a chat function.

Campaigning and engagement potential? Of course! We could gear the app towards a lot of preparation where campaign rhetoric, materials and the like could be shared beforehand.



Join a protest group

Create a protest group

Report your situation in the protest

Show users on the map

Edit a marker on the map

Monitor who is up to

Protest App