Excel, Google Sheet, BigQuery

TechLab Supercharge Excel data

Show & Tell Recording

Techlab - March - Edited.mov

Techlab Monthly: Excel, Google Sheets and BigQuery

March 21, 2019

  • Struggling with outdated document collaboration?
  • Still saving files as Excel 97 compatible?
  • Want to see the unlock the true potential of your data?

This show and tell focused on how you can supercharge your current Excel data by importing it into Google Sheets, then creating a BigQuery database from that data to open up the possibly for Machine Learning and other data analysis that was not possible before.

The talk covered the importing process, the main differences between the two spreadsheets syntax, basic scripting in Google Sheets and how to import and build a machine learning model around the imported data.

Supporting Documents

BigQuery ML
Linking Google Sheet with BigQuery

BigQuery ML Explained

We have created a Python Notebook specifically for Google Colab to explain with text and code how to do Machine Learning in BigQuery. Click on the Image to the right to launch BigQuery ML.

Google Colab is a free cloud service which allows you to improve your Python programming language coding skills. develop deep learning applications using popular libraries such as Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV.